What do you prefer to visite?
- Cultural Monument
- Zoo
- Spa
- Beach
How you pass the time?
- Sleeping
- Watching Movies
- Playing Football
- Reading Books
Where do you prefer to stay?
- A Hotel
- A Cheap Hostel
- AirBnb
- A popular Resort
When you arrive What is the first thing you do?
- Shower
- Hit the beach
- Draw up a plan
- Hit the PlayStation
What time do you prefer to eat it Breakfast?
- 7am-8am
- 6am-7am
- 9am-10am
- 8am-9am
What’s your favorite food while you’re away?
- Gelato
- Fresh seafood
- A pastry
- A local dish
What’s kind of activities do you Practice?
- A bike tour
- Playing football
- Gaming on mobile phone
- Surfing
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