Who voiced Mushu in Mulan?
- Tyler Perry
- Chris Rock
- Eddie Murphy
It’s easy, come on you should know who voiced Woody in Toy Story.
- Tim Allen
- Tom Hanks
- Brad Pitt
Which lady was the voice behind Fiona in Shrek?
- Anne Hathaway
- Cameron Diaz
- Mila Kunis
Guess who brought Maui from Moana to life!
- Russell Crowe
- Jason Momoa
- Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
What about Frozone?
- Samuel L. Jackson
- Morgan Freeman
- Denzel Washington
Who was the voice behind Coraline?
- Debbie Ryan
- Dakota Fanning
- Grace Moretz
Guess who is Tigress from Kung Fu Panda?
- Julia Roberts
- Lucy Liu
- Angelina Jolie
Only true fans will know who was behind Sid’s voice.
- Tom Green
- John Leguizamo
- Adam Sandler
Which lady was the voice behind Tiana’s mom in The Princess And The Frog?
- Oprah Winfrey
- Queen Latifah
- Viola Davis
What about Randall from Monsters?
- Rob Schneider
- Steve Buscemi
- Gary Oldman
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